George Osborne said in his budget speech this week: I regard tax evasion and — indeed — aggressive tax avoidance — as morally repugnant. I
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UK Uncut Fortnum & Mason protesters found not guilty
I have just received and share this communication: Eight anti-cuts protesters arrested in Fortnum and Mason last year were today found not guilty in the
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What about a 72% tax rate Mr Osborne? That’s 24% higher than you think optimal
George Osborne claimed to cut the top rate of tax in the budget. But he didn’t. He made a new one. He announced that for
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The March Taxcast from the Tax Justice Network
In March’s Taxcast: Apple i-tax dodging, reclaiming Arab Spring country assets, the rich country club of the OECD and the ABCs of setting up letterbox
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In praise of Polly Toynbee
Polly Toynbee is willing to stick her neck out. That’s why I admire her. I admire her motives. And courage. And of course she gets
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Mr Murphy is the ultimate political compass (or so it’s been said)
From Alex Singelton in the Mail: What a fantastic Budget. Richard Murphy, the pro-tax darling of the trade unions, is enraged by it. Indeed, I
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