The following should suit all UK Uncut and Tax Justice Network supporters who look ideally qualified: And if anyone is applying it should help
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Tax avoidance, tax compliance – and tax cheats
Questions have been raised about how I define the difference between tax avoidance and tax compliance. Following my blog on the ethics of tax avoidance
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Scared – and it should be
I love this: Faced by a challenge from young people who believe in something, our political and media mainstream is confounded. It is also scared.
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The Tories – dedicated to making it tax haven UK
I gather that Associated Press have reported this morning that Northern Ireland political leaders have been handed a government paper on devolving corporation tax powers
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Hero of the day – Stuart Jones
Dennis Howlett, a long term blogging friend of mine has a great blog on his site about another blogging friend and commentator here - Stuart
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The companies can answer on tax – by putting their tax under the glare of publicity
The Observer noted yesterday that: Behind the scenes, those companies that have been targeted, such as Topshop, Vodafone and Boots, are angry and frustrated that
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The Telegraph and UK Uncut
I note the Telegraph has been making some very strange comments at the weekend. Toby Young wrote: Has there ever been a more ham-fisted protest
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Not good enough Marks & Spencer
Somewhat to my surprise and to the surprise of UK Uncut Marks & Spencer was targeted by tax protests this weekend, apparently as a consequence
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You’re known by the company you choose
David Cameron has picked a new property adviser to help the Tories by a new London HQ — far from student protests presumably. As the
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