The Ethical Corporation published an article yesterday under the title “Corporate disclosure: the tax blame game”. It said: It’s too easy to demonise big companies
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Curb loan shark excesses for Christmas
From the letters page of today’s Guardian: As Christmas approaches and we enter 2011 we should not forget that countless vulnerable families and individuals will
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HMRC: time for protests
It’s good to note that PCS, the union for most staff at /HM Revenue & Customs, is joining in tax protests today: War on Want
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UK Uncut on the Today programme
The BBC reports: The group UK Uncut is calling for another day of action tomorrow to highlight what it claims is tax dodging by well
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The alternative economic policy we need
I find it massively frustrating that Labour has said almost nothing (bar one good speech by Ed Balls) on the economy since the election and
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Moody’s says Ireland’s austerity programme won’t work
The Guardian notes: Ireland’s credit rating has been slashed by five notches by Moody’s, which also warned that the country faced an increasingly uncertain economic
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What’s sickening about this is it’s true – and it’s why we must protest
I’ve never met Johann Hari, a journalist at the Independent, but he’s rapidly becoming one of my favourite commentators. This is from his column this
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A manifesto for tax justice
Demands for tax justice continue to ferment in the face of the economically unjustifiable cuts that the ConDems are seeking to impose on our economy.
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ConDems – deliberately creating child poverty
As the Guardian notes: The government’s radical programme to slash spending will see the first rise in absolute child poverty for 15 years, with almost
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