I received the following email this morning. I thought it worth sharing: Hi Richard, You’ve commented on your blog about an increase in the number
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Also worth reading
I read a lot of stuff on the web every day. Unless it’s on topic here I’m trying to avoid blogging it these days —
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US – transfer pricing abuse is rampant
As I’ve noted this morning — South Africa is worried it is suffering transfer pricing abuse to exploit tax arbitraging. So too is the USA.
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What the billionaires should really be doing
40 Us billionaires have pledged to give away half their wealth. I think Peter Wilby in the Guardian summarises my response to this very well:
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Ireland undermines investment in South Africa
Ireland is a classic secrecy jurisdiction. Secrecy jurisdictions are places that intentionally create regulation for the primary benefit and use of those not resident in
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Where 4 art thou?
I was asked to undertake some research on secrecy jurisdictions by the World Bank last year, and presented some of my findings at a conference
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