As the Guardian notes: The public sector union Unison today said it would go to court to try to block the coalition government’s plans for
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Torrents of abuse
I note the right wing blogosphere is seeking yet again to question my integrity — this time because I have run limited companies — which
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More on whistle blowing
I wrote a blog a few days ago on whistle blowing and tax, based on an email received from an informed commentator. Response to the
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What did tax do for you today? #3 – emptying the bins
Waste disposal is one of the big issues in UK local politics. Is it one collection a week, or once a fortnight we need? There’s
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A realist on the MPC
The First Post Daily reports: One of Britain’s most respected economists warned yesterday that it would be foolish to rule out the possibility of a
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Offshore has no place in UK politics because it undermines trust
The Guardian reports this morning: The founder of a large hedge fund, who was once criticised as a "hard and calculating man" by a judge,
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