Martin A. Sullivan of Tax Analysts has another of his astonishing reports out entitled Oil Drillers Gain Billions From ‘Immoral’ Tax Break. It says: There
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FATF: action needed
Members of the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development and other signatories identified three key points for the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
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OBR: Let’s assume we’ve solved the tax gap problem
The Office for Budget Responsibility’s first report continues to provide amusement at the breadth of its gall. Take this on the VAT gap: The judgement
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This is what passes for respectable policy analysis
More from Krugman: In short: the demand for immediate austerity is based on the assertion that markets will demand such austerity in the future, even
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OBR: The winners are business profits, the losers are ordinary people and the reality is that this is fantasy
The OBR makes clear who it thinks the winners and losers from their modest growth forecasts for the next few years will be in their
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Office for Budget Responsibility says let the market set interest rates – because we won’t forecast them
The Office for Budget Responsibility’s catalogue of forecasting fun includes a host of goodies. For example, take this one on interest rates: We have assumed
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The Office for Budget Responsibility: a catalogue of blunders
The Office for Budget Responsibility — George Osborne’s excuse for cuts — has presented its first report in advance of net week’s budget. I’m not
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Why is this a waste of money Mr Cameron?
As the Guardian has reported: Britain will experience a "terrible, terrible waste of money" in the next five years as interest on the nation’s
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The deficit hawks need their talons clipped
As my Green New Deal colleague Larry Elliott says in the Guardian this morning: As things [now] stand, a second Great Depression has been averted,
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