I mean that. We had Jersey Royals for supper tonight — as my wife told me after I’d praised them! So I thought I should
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‘Debt is good’ message may be luring young people to disaster
As the Independent reports: Banks are teaching teenagers to accept debt but not what to do when things get out of control. And I’m
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If we don’t tighten our belts enough, won’t our debts run out of control?
From the Guardian: People tend to think that the government debt is like a household debt and needs to be managed very tightly. But as
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Crisis, what crisis? Or, why isn’t the fourth estate doing its job?
The ConDems say time and again that the UK has the worst borrowing record of any government (bar, maybe, Greece). This is very obviously wrong.
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House building cuts will drive building into recession
As the Observer notes: Housebuilding in Britain will "fall off a cliff" this year due to a "catastrophic" combination of financial cutbacks and changes to
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From beyond the fringe
This blog is suffering another bout of comments from the fringes the political right wing. These people, who call themselves libertarian but whose whole object
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