My friend and colleague, Colin Hines, in the Guardian on the above:
The funds [allocated to quantitative easing] could be spent into the economy by investing them in energy efficiency, renewables and a new grid system. This would cut out the "middle man" in the lending equation — and the interest that the banks charge when taking that role. The policy would result in the creation of hundreds of thousands of new green collar jobs as well as the skills and training to create and sustain them. Such a low-carbon energy system could make "every building a power station" as well as creating and training a "carbon army" to work on this vast environmental reconstruction programme.
We can hope.
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And think of the efficiency savings: if every home was a power station, the police wouldn’t be charged with pre-emptively arresting hundreds of protestors in the name of defending established productive capital.
They could then get on with police work. You know, like instigating the mass arrest of hundreds of peaceful legal protesters, using riot police to clear a peaceful climate demonstration involving children, hitting innocent people after disguising their identities, and then lying about it!
Which, upon reflection, leads me to think that we’ve a long way to go – on a myriad of fronts – before we really see any genuine change on the Global Climate Catastrophe front.