The International Accounting Standards Board has established the Financial Crisis Advisory Group to respond to the issues that recession is raising. On 10 March it
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What the world needs now….
The Guardian is beginning a series that could have the above title. Larry Elliott begins the series calling for: Proposal no 1: Accept that this
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Good news on tax havens
From the Guardian this morning: Tax havens will be forced to submit themselves to international scrutiny under plans to tackle their culture of secrecy being
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A fox in charge of the chicken coop
I had a bit of a Sunday Times weekend. I was in twice, once for the new TJN report “Where on earth are you?” ,
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Economic governance for health
There is occasional comment on this blog on health issues. Can I draw attention to a new campaign under the above title? You can link
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Liechtenstein is a tax haven
No, I didn’t say so: a Liechtenstein financial services company did. It said in a PDF made on 12 March: Liechtenstein is a tax haven
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Time to flog off Directline
I’m blogging with the sound of a television in the background. Directline adverts really annoy me right now. This is about a 95% state owned
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Where on earth in the Sunday Times
The new report by the Tax Justice Network, mentioned here yesterday was in the Sunday Times today. They noted: This weekend a new study reveals
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