In a recent editorial the Financial Times said: Every first-year economics student learns the conditions for an unregulated market, in theory, to function efficiently. The
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What tax havens do – 4 – they create financial instability
Many in tax havens / secrecy jurisdictions argue that the current world economic crisis started ‘onshore’. By that they mean in the UK, USA and
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What tax havens do – 3 – they facilitate corruption
This series on what tax havens will have, on occasion, to state the obvious. It is obvious to 99% of the world’s population that tax
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False Profits: Christian Aid nails the charges to the door
It’s a busy morning for publishing. Christian Aid has a new report out today that reveals in detail by country and trade sector, how much
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What tax havens do – 2 – they redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich
Tax havens / secrecy jurisdictions* deliberately, knowingly and successfully redistribute wealth from the poorest in society to the richest. They do this in many ways.
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Putting the UK’s house in order
I have already blogged a new report describing the shocking ease with which it is possible to create companies in the UK, published in the
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Swiss bankers fear arrest
The FT reports: Switzerland’s private banks have started to ban their top executives from travelling abroad, even to neighbouring France and Germany, because of fears
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New study – Britain and the U.S. may be the dirtiest tax havens
Switzerland’s Le Temps newspaper has just pointed out a remarkable new study by Jason Sharman, an offshore expert (he wrote a book on the OECD
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Appropriate noises on sanctions
From the Wall Street Journal comes this: The Group of 20 industrial and developing economies is expected to decide what sanctions should be placed on
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