The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Tax Faculty has said of the payment for tax information from an informant in Lichtenstein: The
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Mike Warburton: an apologist for abuse
The Independent reports Mike Warburton of Grant Thornton as saying: Mike Warburton, senior tax partner at Grant Thornton accountants, commented yesterday that, while he and
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Domcile: Q & As
I was interviewed (again) on non-doms yesterday. Some of the questions and answers were as follows: Will the non-doms leave? Yes, of course they will.
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Domicile rule is about giving unfair competitive advantage
In its Budget submission, the TUC says, according to Money Marketing:: non-domiciled business owners are exploiting the non-dom tax loophole to gain an unfair advantage
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KPMG – there is no morality in taxation
The December edition of Finance Magazine in Ireland, sponsored by KPMG had an article entitled ‘Is Tax on Your Board’s Agenda’ in it. Written by
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Reform of the EU Savings Directive needed to create truly competitive markets
There is a very obvious mood for reform of the EU Savings Tax Directive right now. The FT summarised it this morning, saying: Germany’s call
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How to tackle tax haven abuse
John Christensen and David Spencer of the Tax Justice Network have set out their arguments on how to tackle tax haven abuse in the FT
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Tax haven evasion: what the IRS has to say
The US IRS web site has a very good page on offshore tax evasion that it is tackling through the Abusive Tax Scheme Program. This
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Cayman: home of the tax vacation
CNN has reported that: Congressional investigators are in the Cayman Islands this week to determine if some U.S. businesses are taking a vacation from paying
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