Mike Warburton: an apologist for abuse

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The Independent reports Mike Warburton of Grant Thornton as saying:

Mike Warburton, senior tax partner at Grant Thornton accountants, commented yesterday that, while he and his firm condemned tax evasion, which is illegal, "tax avoidance is the second oldest profession in the world, and just as difficult to control. The tax havens will survive. There are stacks of money out there. If they close down the ones in Europe, the money will move to Dubai and Singapore".

It's very hard to take your condemnation of evasion seriously Mike. Very hard indeed. Not when you put it like that.

And I note you are in Singapore, no doubt in part to exploit this opportunity, and its extraordinary secrecy.

Isn't it time to realise you're saying all the wrong things Mike and you do your firm and your profession no good at all as a result?

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