How to tackle tax haven abuse

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John Christensen and David Spencer of the Tax Justice Network have set out their arguments on how to tackle tax haven abuse in the FT today. I can do little better than recommend the whole article.

The key though is this:

It is time for radical approaches to make international finance more transparent. The focus must shift towards the infrastructure of cross-border economic crime, including accountants, lawyers and financial institutions - not just the legal mechanisms that underpin secrecy. Both of the main mechanisms - bank secrecy and secrecy of beneficial ownership of assets through offshore trusts and the like - must be tackled. Harmful yet legal tax practices must be targeted too and US legislators should enact the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act.

The OECD's approach to tax transparency requires information to be exchanged with other jurisdictions only on request. In other words, you must know what you are looking for before you request it. This is shockingly inadequate. We need the automatic exchange of tax information between jurisdictions and all developing countries must be included.

That's what we want. Is honesty too much to ask for?

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