The Chief Minister of Jersey has asked health minister Senator Stuart Syvret to resign. It has been reported that: Six ministers are saying they’ve lost
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Is it true that the Big 4 aren’t promoting women?
The FT has reported a survey by Accountancy magazine that shows the proportion of women at the “Big Four” accountancy firms who were made partners
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Just don’t do it
Those were the favourite words of my old deputy head-master. They came to mind when I read that James Owens, chairman and CEO of Caterpillar,
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The City’s under threat – again
The FT has reported this morning that: London’s status as one of the world’s leading financial centres risks being undermined I thought “more on domicile”.
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Pay for tax clearances
Mark McLaughlin, editor of TaxationWeb has argued in the editorial of his latest newsletter that: Personally, I have always been a supporter of pre-transaction clearance
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Who is the biggest of them all?
Nigel Harris at AccountingWEB makes the interesting observation that E&Y, PWC and KPMG are all claiming to be the biggest audit firm in the UK.
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The New York Times lays into tax competition
The New York Times editorial of 25 July was magnificent. I can’t summarise it, so I’ll quote it (and hope they’ll forgive me): As Americans
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Ireland is not a developing country
I’m a bit late in drawing attention to this – but holidays sometimes interrupt the best laid plans, and Sheila Killian’s article in the July
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Compass – in favour of a European corporation tax
Compass is probably the most active moderate left of centre think tank at the moment. It’s just published a paper on tax competition in Europe.
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