The government in Guernsey has resigned. This is not unexpected. As the BBC have reported:
The Welsh Audit Office (WAO) was asked to carry out an investigation following concerns the Policy Council had used its influence to encourage RG Falla to withdraw.
The bid was £2.4m lower than the one accepted, and was the preferred tender.
The WAO's findings said the States' reputation had been damaged, citing procedures for managing capital projects as inadequate, incomplete and unclear.
The report also said Mr Morgan was a poor leader and Treasury Minister Lyndon Trott had made inaccurate and inconsistent statements.
What is extraordinary is that it has come to my attention that some in Guernsey are saying that the furore about the issue has been created by the Tax Justice Network because some of the politicians who have lead complaints are the same politicians who are seeking to create tax policies in Guernsey that would bring it into line with international expectations as expressed, for example, by the EU.
I support the efforts of those politicians to create a viable, fair and internationally acceptable tax system in Guernsey. But it should be noted that unlike Jersey, where many politicians do talk to us, that is not the case in Guernsey and we have had no involvement in discussion of either of these issues with any of the politicians involved, or their advisers.
It would seem that some people in the offshore world have over developed imaginations about just what we get up to. Perhaps they would be better exercised asking questions about just why so many people in Guernsey appear upset about what has happened. If they did they might realise that a lack of transparency is at the heart of this issue. And maybe it's that lack of transparency that those who promote this paranoid speculation want to defend.
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