The bastards are out to exploit again

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The bastards bosses who run the UK's businesses have not been slow to notice what Trump is all about. Nor have their friends in the press been either. As the Telegraph notes this morning:

Financial chiefs are calling on the City regulator to tear up plans to impose diversity targets in the latest sign of a mounting business backlash.

I don't have a Telegraph subscription and could not read the rest, but I learned all I needed from that opening. It says that the callous individuals who have sought to pretend they are human beings for the last few years are now intent on being ruthless in tooth and claw in their pursuit of profit again.

They can be so, of course, because they, apparently, have no family members who are:

  • Disabled
  • Neurodiverse, in all its forms
  • Women
  • LGBTQ+
  • Old
  • Sick
  • Suffering stress or anxiety
  • Members of an ethnic minority

Those characteristics are, of course, unknown amongst financial chiefs, all of whom are white, male, Christian in name only, and have wives at home who promised to love, honour and obey whilst caring for children when they are not at boarding schools, when they look after those childrens' ponies instead.

Please forgive my anger, but if that is what British business leaders are really now saying (and I suspect not all of them are, whilst some noisy ones will be), then I have every reason to be angry.

We have fought hard over decades to make this country a fairer place to live. It's not fair. Let no one pretend we have won. It's just fairer. And if the bastards bosses want to roll that back to enrich themselves - which is what this is all about, after all - I have every reason to be angry and to loathe those in the media promoting this.

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