Mistakes happen

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This morning's video, as first posted, included a mistake. I misinterpreted a question on an Ipsos Mori poll. I misread the double negative and came to the wrong answer as a result.

Now we know that, this video has been taken down, been corrected, and been re-uploaded. The conclusions I reached do not change as a result.

However, the trolls have tried to claim that this proves I am silly, incompetent and untrustworthy.

It doesn't. It proves I am human, have been working under a lot of pressure to get things done as I try to finish work commitments before I end paid employment, and am willing to correct what I get wrong.

It also says to me that I really do need to invest more time in the videos if they are to reach their potential - which is exactly what I want to do in the future.

So, my apologies. I am human and can fail like everyone else. If anyone is surprised by that, you really shouldn't be.

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