Trump is serious: he wants Greenland

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As the Guardian and others have reported:

Donald Trump had a fiery phone call with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen over his demands to buy Greenland, according to senior European officials.

As they note:

Speaking to the Financial Times, officials said that Trump, then still president-elect, spoke with Frederiksen for 45 minutes last week, during which he was described to be aggressive and confrontational about Frederiksen's refusal to sell Greenland to the US.

The Financial Times reports that according to five current and former senior European officials who were briefed on the call, the conversation “was horrendous”. One person said: “He was very firm. It was a cold shower. Before, it was hard to take it seriously. But I do think it is serious and potentially very dangerous.”

According to one former Danish official, the call was a “very tough conversation” in which Trump “threatened specific measures against Denmark such as targeted tariffs”.

Why note this? There are three reasons.

First, the USA does not need Greenland. That it wants to take territory is old-style fascist aggression and nothing else.

Second, although this demand is very obviously insane, Trump is very obviously intent on pursuing it.

Third, the same madness is apparent in the whole programme now being unrolled by Trump.

We wanted to believe that Project 2025 was not real. It is. Trump wants to deliver it. The world is descending into chaos.

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