The Single Transferable Party is trying to retain power in Ireland, whatever its people want

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As the Guardian notes this morning, there is a general election in Ireland today.

As it also notes, Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin are all on about 20% in opinion polls after a short, sharp campaign.

There is a claim in that Guardian article that almost nothing separates the parties, none of whom could form a government with that level of support without a coalition being required. But that is not true. There is a massive gulf between them.

The gulf is that the two parties of the Irish establishment -Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil - who have been in coalition with each other for the sole reason of keeping Sinn Fein out of power - have said they will do all that they can again to ensure Sinn Fein is blocked again this time.

In other words, the Single Transferable Party of the Irish Political and Management Caste (PMC) is, once more, trying to undermine any democratic choice that the people of Ireland might make.

Are there reservations to be had about what Sinn Fien plans? Of course, there are. No party has a solution to all ills. It will also require a potentially quite unstable colation for Sinn Feing to secure power, but what is most noticeable is the willingness of the Irish elite - which is very powerful - to seek to undermine democratic freedom.

The idea that democracy is now only being tolerated if it delivers what the PMC (hat tip for that term to Aurelian) wants is becoming very obvious, and nowhere more so than in Ireland.

There is a class war going on in Western democracies right now, and it is one between the PMC and their Single Transferable Party against the rest of us.

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