Sunak looks like a prime minister with a decidedly short sell-by date

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I wrote yesterday that:

In fairness to the Tories, it looks quite likely that they will split over [Rwanda]. The possibility that the supposed most effective electoral machine in democratic history might collapse under the weight of its own in-fighting looks to be very real. It could happen soon. The likelihood that the date of the next election is not Sunak's to choose is growing as he begins to lose his party's support in the Commons.

When doing so, I did not expect a ministerial resignation before the day was out.

Nor did I expect that the resignation would come because the already deeply offensive Rwanda Bill, published yesterday afternoon, was not extreme enough.

Sunak looks like a prime minister with a decidedly short sell-by date this morning.

Any realistic appraisal of his options would seem to require consideration of resignation, his sacking by his own party, or the calling of an election as a desperate way out of the mess that he is in - as he could do. But does he have the chance to make it into office until next October? I think that looks to be very unlikely. Frankly, May looks to be optimistic.

I am not going to predict what happens next. No one knows. But what can be said is that the Tories are now so out of control that they have no real chance of passing legislation any more. That might be true in the Commons, and it is almost certainly the case in the Lords, which can now use the twelve-month delay available to them on almost any law to prevent any controversial proposal from being enacted before an election. In other words, we are in a state of government paralysis. But given the state of the government that we have, that might be no bad thing.

And remember that all this is about seeking to deport a few hundred, at most, people to Rwanda out of the 80,000 or so people awaiting asylum decisions. In other words, it is all about an issue that has no real implications at all, unless your whole purpose is to divide society, which is exactly what fascists seek to do.

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