What are the economic myths that need shattering?

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I am not a fan of summer heat. I went to the Mediterranean a few times on holiday in the early 80s. Since then if given a choice I would rather head north to avoid summer sun, or at least summer heat.

This weekend is not, as a result, my choice of perfect weather. Today will most definitely be too hot and humid to do much. With luck, getting reading done will fill much of my time.

Well, that and thinking. And there is, to be honest, much to think about.

I could muse on why the populists are falling from power, with Putin the latest to look as though he is on decidedly thin ice.

There is also the very obvious failure of neoliberalism to muse upon. Little else explains the very apparent desire of much of the political establishment (Tory, Labour and the Bank of England) to impose a wholly unnecessary recession on the UK.

Less often noted, but even more worrying, is the lack of progress on any almost any aspect of climate change, where inaction is now going to be very costly indeed.

But most of all, there is that concern that always nags me, which is why are people putting up with this? Is it the debt slavery that does it? Could it just be the desire to have a quiet life, get on and not fret? Or is it the fact that there are so few alternative plausible narratives to the ones that the media presents us with incessantly?

I recognise all of these issues. I suspect the last very important though. In the absence of an alternative, people keep on keeping on because there is no choice.

That has made me think about a theme I last addressed some time ago, which is how to shatter the myths that maintain the status quo. I tried to address some of these issues during Covid, hoping that might be a period that precipitated real change. I was wrong about that. I also have to admit that I don't think my efforts were good enough. The approach I used did not work.

But it is, I think, worth revisiting this issue. What are the myths that need to be shattered now? And what is the best way to shatter them? Those are questions needing good answers. Thoughts welcome.

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