I was playing with some data this morning as a result of some work I am doing on wealth taxes. I looked at data on
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Newsnight missed the point on the NHS
Newsnight produced an asinine programme on the 75th anniversary of the NHS last night. It was bland, hyperbolic, and undemanding. It ended with a weird
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What is going on at the Big 4?
There are some weird messages coming out of the Big 4 accountants on the state of the economy right now. The messages do not come
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Covid is still a mass killer – but the government is pretending otherwise
There is a popular narrative that Covid has gone away. Except it has not: 25,700 excess deaths in the UK in half a yr (on
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Inflation is mainly down to profiteering. Any other suggestion is misinformation.
I mentioned a couple of days ago that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has concluded that the biggest contributor to inflation is profiteering by the
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