HM Revenue & Customs omitted key figures from its business case about how much its Making Tax Digital programme will cost the public, a report by the National Audit Office has revealed.
A report released by the NAO on Monday revealed the programme was now expected to cost the government five times the original forecast, in real terms, up from £226mn in 2016 to £1.3bn today.
They added:
Meanwhile, the report criticised HMRC for presenting an “incomplete and inaccurate” picture on the initial upfront costs taxpayers would face getting set up on the new system.
This is not news. I presented evidence on Making Tax Digital to a committee of the House of Lords in February 2017, and submitted a 10,000 word submission on the issue. I had this to say back then under the title How and why did HMRC get the Making Tax Digital numbers so wrong?:
I have already noted the report I have written in preparation for giving evidence on HMRC's Making Tax Digital (MTD) programme to the House of Lords Economics Affairs Committee this afternoon. That report is here: because it is 10,000 words a summary has gone to the Lords. Three things stood out whilst writing it from Thursday to Saturday.
The first was the sheer arrogance of the HMRC impact assessment on MTD. This is indicated in a number of ways. There is, for example, no cost estimate made of HMRC's expenditure on this programme when such expense will obviously be incurred. How did HMRC think this would not be noticed? Then there is the glib claim that business will benefit from MTD because of the value of the data generated. The way in which this benefit will arise and be valued is not explained. It is just said that it has been prepared using a standard cost model: this is simply not good enough. Equally arrogant is the assumption that software might replace accountants for some taxpayers. HMRC should really understand why people use accountants in that case, because it's not to add up the books.
Second though was what I can only describe as the incompetence of the numbers presented. HMRC say 5.9 million business will submit four extra tax returns a year (let's not beat about the bush: that is the reality of this programme). That's 23.6 million submissions. And they say they will cost a maximum of £170 million. Divide one by the other and that is £7.20 each, or less than an hour of time at national minimum wage. But HMRC says thew £170 million covers all extra accounting and software costs. I took a strictly marginal approach to costs here: I ignored all accountancy costs and simply looked at how many additional businesses might need new software and estimated it might be 925,000 at £72 a year, the cost of a Quickbooks subscription, or £67 million a year. That reduced the amount available to cover the cost of submission to £4.36 a return, or 35 minutes of time to undertake these tasks that are bound the necessary as we can be sure that penalties will be imposed for false declarations:
Check cut off for all transactions i.e. make sure a strict allocation to quarters has taken place;
Reconcile bank accounts to ensure completeness and correct period end cut off;
Check sales ledger completeness and closing debtors to ensure income is appropriately stated and make necessary adjustments e.g. for bad debts if using an accruals accounting method;
Check the purchase ledger and outstanding creditors and make necessary adjustments;
Accrue period end expenses;
Calculate period end prepayments;
Count or estimate value of stock and work in progress;
Estimate depreciation;
Make adjustments for:
- Private use of car and other assets;
- Use of house as office;
- Stock taken as drawings.
Ensure that the resulting accounts make sense and correct for errors;
Check that drawings are appropriately recorded in a self-employment;
Check digital entries prior to submission to HMRC;
Log on and submit to HMRC;
Check resulting communications from HMRC;
Act in accordance with HMRC instructions e.g. re adjusted payments owing.
Even in the case of a simple business these tasks may well take half a day to complete. They may take much longer in a larger business. That is why I call the HMRC impact assessment incompetent.
Third, I wondered how anyone failed to notice that this estimate was so bad before the report was issued? Or did they notice and it went out anyway? Was political expediency the order of the day, and the instruction was to simple have a big enough number in the hope no one would question it? £170 million is enough to daunt most people: their calculators haven't got enough noughts on them to handle it as a friend joked to me last night, and that means most people can't comprehend it. If so, the hope was clearly inappropriate.
But it's also reckless. In addition to an average cost of £305 per small business, as I note in the report, MTD:
- Potentially imposes inappropriate and potentially seriously misleading accounting methods on taxpayers that may be seriously harmful to their business interests to suit the requirements of HMRC. Business failures as a result of the use of inappropriate accounting data are likely to increase as a result;
- Potentially threatens the cash flows and so viability of some small businesses in the UK;
- Threatens the credibility of small business accounting in the UK;
- Potentially harms UK economic performance as a result.
It is hard to think of a policy more antithetical to the culture of enterprise in the UK than MTD as HMRC propose to impose it. Doesn't this matter to them? And if not, why not?
I was angry in 2017. It was obvious that HMRC were not only way out of their depth on Making Tax Digital, they were also not telling the truth. In my book that, from a tax authority, is unforgivable.
It is now clear that I was right. Making Tax Digital is the failure I predicted it would be, at the much higher cost than was forecast by HMRC, as I predicted.
So, what to do about it?
First, stop the roll out.
Second, cancel any idea of ever extending the scheme.
Third, sack those who lied.
Fourth, rethink the whole issue of what the accounts of small businesses should disclose, including for tax, for which they are hopeless at present.
Fifth, redesign the whole tax return on the basis of maximising the chance of identifying risk.
None of this would be hard, but it would save a fortune and increase tax yield.
Why wouldn't HMRC want to do that?
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Great post.
The truth of the matter about ‘broken Britain’ is that it is not the country itself that is broken – it is its means and system of governance that is broken along with the politics that enables it.
I’m a retired accountant for small business – We always referred to it as Making Tax Difficult.
At one stage I think HMRC wanted line by line transactional data. We couldn’t figure how they could ever cope with that amount of info.
We were extremely concerned about the possible security breaches. Imagine that amount of data being on HMRC servers.
That aside how much better could HMRC be at using the info it already has access to e.g. ensuring companies who trade for short periods don’t get to a strike off without corp tax being checked. Better algorithms for identifying likely problems.
Oh and a functioning HMRC that is able to respond to correspondence in a timely manner.
All so true
Another HMRC fiasco?
That’s a bit unfair on my former colleagues – the government told HMRC to shell out billions, with few questions asked. The blame lies with the politicians, not the civil servants. The government won’t however need any encouragement to point the finger of blame at the staff of HMRC, so kindly don’t start on them!
I don’t pretend the department is perfect, far from it. Its basic problem is that staff numbers have been slashed crazily over the last thirteen years, way beyond “economies of scale” resulting from the 2005 merger of the Inland Revenue and HM Customs & Excise.
The fault lies with the senior management of HMRC and it’s board – who were more than happy to pretend they were a cost minimising multinational corporation, not a tax authority serving society.
True enough, Richard. I was never under any illusions that HMRC was a business, other than in general terms as part of the “business of government.” Which is not to say that it shouldn’t be run in a business-like manner (in terms of procurement, its estate, etc.). I won’t comment on how successful or otherwise it may have been in that respect…
The value of tax professionalism within the department has been continuously eroded for a long time now, which chimes with your comment about multinational-like behaviour.
I agree, most especially on your second para
I have long suspected that one motivation for MTD was for HMRC to be able to exploit the same erroneous presumption – that the computer is always truthful – which enabled the Post Office to get away with ruining so many lives and reputations with Horizon. At one stage a formal declaration that at no point would the precious VAT return data (all 64 bytes of it!) ever be touched by human hand was a precondition to signing up to MTD for VAT. You could ‘export’ your data – anyone with custom accounting software or systems *had* to be able to do that – but you couldn’t do so by selecting it and pressing Ctrl-C. No practical or functional value in such a condition, but maybe a legal one. Numbers are wrong, all done by computer, computers never wrong, take him away!
Appropriate doubts, I suggest
Years of recent experience suggest to me few in HMRC have very much understanding at all of double entry, let alone accounting or GAAP.
I run a (very) small business, although historically it needed to be registered for VAT, it’s probably way under the threshold for that at the moment.
All VAT is tracked using a LibreOffice spreadsheet, originally by cutting and pasting the required amounts into the required HMRC ‘boxes’ – simple and straightforward!
Now, because the company isn’t really big enough to justify a full accounts package, it costs me £40 (+VAT of course) PA for some ‘bridging software’ which essentially provides me with a second ‘sheet’ for my VAT spreadsheet, which is then uploaded to HMRC. I’ve no idea why. As far as I can see, I could put anything in the second spreadsheet and upload that!
Utterly ridiculous!
So, we have a state giving niggardly amounts of help to its citizens but making money out of them as well when it does not need to earn the income – it could just print it. Thus reinforcing the view that the state depends on income and has none of its own.
Hopeless. It sounds like some think tank’s wet dream to me.