Sometime the whole corrupt edifice of the two-party political hierarchy in Westminster is going to collapse

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I posted this comment on Twitter this morning:

I deliberately added the last sentence. Without it I suspect I would have been accused of being tasteless, but I am not.

My point is very simple. It is that the hierarchies of power in a country without a constitution are being used to deny what are legitimate rights. One is the legal right to apply for asylum in the UK. The other is the right of a country to leave a voluntary union of nations.

Suella Braverman came unstuck in the first issue when questioned by one of her own backbenchers in parliament this week. She could not explain how the legal right of a refugee seeking asylum could be exercised.

Tory and Labour politicians have collectively failed to explain how Scotland can exercise its legal right, which they claim exists, when they  collectively wish to veto its exercise.

Ultimately neither position is sustainable. But, more tellingly, nor is the power structure that has let this position develop. Sometime the whole corrupt edifice of the two-party political hierarchy in Westminster is going to collapse.

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