I was a little surprised to see the number of times my interview on LBC had been watched on Twitter video since being put out yesterday:
That was 164,000 a while ago: it may be more by now.
I checked the LBC timeline to see if that was normal. It isn't. I know James O'Brien rightly sometimes gets millions, but yesterday this looked to be by far their biggest that I could see.
It seems people want the truth about the economy to be told.
Update: over 200,000 by 11am on 10 June
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your wasted doing this.. why don’t you stand for office and get real influence or what not advise the Labour Party? who advises them on economics now? Didn’t it used to be Simon Wren-Lewis?
They can call me if they like
Hopefully the SNP might be more amenable to listening to what you and your colleagues are saying – I’ll keep pushing that up here in Edinburgh!
It will never happen while Sturgeon is in charge. She’s a neo-con pretending to be a social democrat. You only have to read the SNP’s sustainable growth commission report (written by Andrew Wilson) to see why.
We have literally shot ourselves in the foot.
Sorry , just reminded me of a scene in Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister
Ah, Minister, we haven’t literally shot ourselves in the foot, unless we had a gun and …
Shut up, Bernard
I will see myself out.
When I watch repeats of Yes Minister etc, I see the rampant cynicism incubating much of the core beliefs of conservative policies and ideas expressed today. Whilst a display of incompetence, laziness, insincerity and massage might have been funny at the time, it isn’t funny any more, especially as the loss of trust in political purpose has infected so many of the population.
In those programmes I found it hard to recognize any positive understanding of who we are, as a nation, and in which direction we should go. Certainly not the current direction in which we have stupidly embarked.
I’ve just started reading your free book, first chapter, mind blown. So many questions….do you run Tutorials?….I doubt I’m the only one whose view on money and taxes I seemingly very naive.
Seems that there could be a different way….of profound interest and potential importance
I have a Youtube channel