The next fight with the right wing is for planetary survival

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I have a feeling of de'ja vu. The one time European Research Group of far-right Tory MPs, that did no research, that then morphed as the Covid Recovery Group, that sought to increase Covid infection rates, is now morphing again. It seems it will now be the Climate Action Group, of something akin to that.

As Politics Home notes:

A new backbench group is being set up for Conservative MPs disgruntled at the potential political cost of scrapping petrol and diesel vehicles and decarbonising homes this decade, who want to challenge the climate orthodoxy from those in Number 10.

The plan is to argue that climate science is wrong, and we can't afford it anyway. Farage is already trailing this on GB News. Destroying the economy and national health is not enough, the aim is to trash the planet as well.

As Politics Home also notes:

Insiders agree the number [of MPs ] so far is not significant – but when deadlines are actually at the door, or constituents come to them in large numbers, many more Tories could speak up.

I never thought that climate change would, in the end, get an easy ride; it simply conflicts too strongly with the libertarian narrative for that to be the case. Climate change requires collective action for a common good that is always going to be anathema to those on the right. Now we have due warning that the right wing are lining up to demand the right to take us to oblivion. The narratives need to be honed now. This one is the fight for survival, and we have to win it.

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