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So many U-turns in such a short period of rule. This “Libertarian Unchained” government is already looking decidely rickety and manacled!
A levels were ‘robust and dependable’.
Track and Trace would be ‘world beating.’
Corvid response is a ‘massive success’.
Brexit is ‘oven ready.’
I admit I nicked this list but the message is clear.
They are a great success only at boasting and incompetence.
I query whether buyers remorse has yet cut in. Trump has 42 per cent approval after 20,000 lies. Tories STILL lead in the polls. Oh dear.
Did lead the polls
In my household we thing Starmer has been too restrained.
You are right
What are the consequences of this decision? Will universities that have already withdrawn missed offers, and given the places to other people, reopen admissions for this September? Will they offer places next autumn instead, and if so (a) what are the students meant to do with an unwanted gap year, and (b) what happens to the current year 12 (next year’s A level candidates) who face double competition for places against students from the year before with 40% better grades than normal?
What an utter, utter shambles. Even so, Starmer may have up to four years to wait. He can’t stay silent like Biden and let the incumbent to lose. He should stick the boot in while he can. Boris – remember him? where is he? – his days are numbered: more time with the family? medical reasons? Come the further cliff edge in January, perhaps he declare he has “achieved” everything he hoped for and it will be time for him to move on to pastures new.
Meanwhile, Dido Harding is now the tsarina of public health. Oxford PPE, McKinsey, Tesco, Sainsburys, TalkTalk, and her latest gig at the “world beating” Test’n’Track’n’Trace (TM). Clearly the perfect person to put in charge of England’s healthcare: just like flogging groceries and mobile phones, isn’t it. Let’s hope she knows now how to protect the data now…
Well said
It may not be entirely on point but Biden hasn’t been silent. Trump is such a child, if no one is paying him attention all the time, he feels he has to fill the empty space, but Biden has been announcing new policies and meeting people, and responding to Trump directly when appropriate. The contrast between someone who is capable of empathy and wants to stand with people, and someone who isn’t and doesn’t has been stark. The spotlight is on him this week, of course. For a virtual event, I thought the first night of the convention went quite well.
I read varying reports
I admit I did not watch