Rishi Sunak has announced new support for businesses this afternoon. I welcome his additional rate support relief. His tiny grants for some smaller businesses are
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Martin Wolf, Emmauel Saez and Gabriel Zucman are wrong: the government should never be the customer of last resort
Martin Wolf has written an article in the Financial Times in which he recommends that the government should become the buyer of last resort from
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What we need now is honest accounting and not a revision to IFRS9
There is an article in the Financial Times today that says: New accounting rules could cripple parts of the banking sector by forcing earlier recognition
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Will Sunak rise to the challenge of today? I seriously doubt it…
As I pointed out last week, literally minutes after he sat down from delivering it, Rishi Sunak’s first budget was a disaster because of the
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Why insurance cannot solve the problems businesses face now
There has been quite a lot of commentary in the media from small-business sources suggesting that the government has been reckless in suggesting that pubs,
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Let the deficits accumulate: they’re exactly what we need right now
When I was asked by Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 last week what my reaction to the budget was I said that I thought it
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