I know it is said signing a petition changes nothing.
I do not agree. When we are facing a government that will not accept the conventions of our constitution (which is the kindest interpretation I can place on it) every form of protest matters and this is one way of registering an objection. Please do sign.
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Clicking on your post just goes to a screenshot. Can you provide a direct link to the actual petition? Easy enough to find but you`ll probably get a lot more uptake if its automated
It’s in the words just above it
Aargh! fewer and fewer things ( like links) showing up on my old old system.
Will have to update to Babbage2000 one day….
I signed it at last night and circulated it as much as possible.
I signed too.
Petitions to Parliament can be signed by anyone who is either a British citizen or a UK resident. So, as a long-term non-resident who was not allowed to vote in the referendum, this is one of the few things that I can do to express my anger & despair.
Even if everyone in this country were to sign it, it will make no difference to the present government. Nevertheless, I signed it as soon as I knew of its existence.
What do we do? A coalition of Remainers perhaps could join with Extinction Rebellion to give us a really large showing at the final demonstration before No Deal?
I don’t think the petition will do anything.
But it will show that there were plenty of people who could see this is all madness.
I think we have to leave on 31 October without a deal. It’s the only way forward.
All this jiggerypokery with legal challenges only strengthens the Duce. Up here in Sunderland people are delighted to see parliament closed down. They admire a strong leader who just takes charge. Really they do.
Brexit has got to happen. People will suffer. But not doing brexit will lead to worse in the end.
After and when everyone can see the enormity of what has been done. We ca have an election and apply to rejoin a sadder and wiser people. We can also look for retribution. That may be necessary.
This is the letter I intend to send to the Queen.
I have to say that I feel very uncomfortable about sending it in terms of repercussions for me and my family because of the society we seem to be turning into. Hopefully they will just swat it away – who the hell am I anyway? I’ve had my time and I’ve wasted it.
Here goes – oh – and I signed the other petition asking for an elected head of state. (Deep breath).
‘Your Majesty
I am writing to tell you just how disappointed I am with your widely reported recent agreement to prorogue Parliament on the advice of your Prime Minister Mr Boris Johnson.
I voted to Remain in the 2016 referendum and reluctantly agreed to the resulting leave vote because I was told by those seeking to leave the EU (including Mr Johnson before he became Prime Minister) that (for example) the single market would be retained even if we left. This meant that the undoubted economic benefits of our membership would be retained.
So, I was not prepared to leave the EU without a deal of some kind so that the economic benefits of our membership will indeed be retained as much as possible for the benefit of all including my family and others. Sadly, your agreement to this episode of prorogation makes leaving the EU now more certain without retaining those economic benefits.
The action you have taken Ma’m in support of Parliament’s prorogation is quite likely to mean that the lives of many people – including those who loyally and regularly turn out to see and support you and members of your household — will become much harder given the already unnecessary Government enforced austerity and rising poverty we have endured since 2010..
I find it very hard to accept Your Majesty that in your long and productive reign which has seen you work alongside many talented and committed Prime Ministers of all political persuasions, that you have allowed yourself to be associated with a man whose personal reputation is totally at odds with the requirements of the office he holds and indeed he would not hold had he been democratically appointed as opposed to being selected by a miniscule number of members of his own party.
This should have been a warning to you Ma’m to choose your path in this debacle very carefully. You are the supreme monarch of a very divided country.
You could — should – have refused to have anything to do with it Your Majesty. It is unsafe. If you had refused to become involved with the prorogation,
what could Mr Johnson have done? Your loyal subjects would not have countenanced him taking any punitive action against you – indeed even I as a republican (and many other republicans) would have applauded and supported an independent stance by you in this case.
Instead, what you have done is reified the rather toothless and merely symbolic role you and the monarchy plays in British democracy at a key point in our nation’s history. A symbolism that has been most cynically abused in this instance.
The British do not have a democratic backstop of their own — a person or institution to call upon when they are being misled and abused by those in power and whom wish to nullify the Mother of Parliaments.
The British people your majesty are on their own. Many who may look to you and your household for wisdom and leadership have done so in vain.
Your advisors will no doubt tell me that your hands are tied, and that the royal family are not allowed to have opinions on such matters. If you too cannot be people of this country, then what exactly are you doing here?
You appear Ma’m, to have taken sides. Are you prepared to explain yourself to your people? What exactly do the royal family think about BREXIT and more importantly what sort of BREXIT we are to have? Are you concerned for your people? Did you express your concerns to Mr Johnson and seek assurances on their behalf, and if so, what?
If you are unwilling to explain yourself Your Majesty, and given that you have effectively given permission for certain course of action that can only aggravate matters, I would ask you to consider your position and the position of your house.
My advice is that you abdicate forthwith and that you wind up the affairs of the House of Windsor.
Talk to the Privy Council about your severance — you have served the country long and hard in a symbolic role and I do not begrudge you a suitable pension.
As for the rest of your household, their wealth, position and education will see them alright — much better than many of your subjects I might add if we do indeed leave the European Union in the manner suggested by Mr Johnson and his manipulative minions. ‘
There you are. This is the first and hopefully last time I will ever write to the Queen.
Perferct PSR, absolutely perfect. Sums it up exactly. A monarch who apparently has no independence of any kind who simply nods through an abuse of Parliamentary sovereignty by a politician known for his dishonety, advised by a ruthless non-elected fanatic in pursuit of a hard right libertarian ‘utopia’ that’ll be dreadful for all but a handful of disaster capitalists.
Roll on the creation of the IRS; my term for the Independent Republic of Scotland.