I know all the issues with opinion polls. But people still do them. And they’re not always that far out. At least, big differences tend
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The CBI: a case study in incoherent thinking
There are moments when I think I should read the barrage of press releases sent at me because I am a blogger – and apparently
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The Progressive Conservative – an oxymoron for the Tory party
Charles Adams has published an article on Progressive Pulse (of which I am the director) which I think worth sharing here, precisely because of the
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Why the UK tax system is regressive – whatever the Institute for Fiscal Studies say
About a decade ago I co-authored with David Byrne of Durham University. I noticed that he picked up the cudgel I had already raised against
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What is the bigger issue, tax avoidance or tax evasion?
The Tax Justice Network has, rightly, received a great deal of publicity for its work in a new tax haven index, published yesterday and republished
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Can the Corporate Accountability Network create the change accountancy needs?
This article is in Accountancy Age this morning: “I think at the moment what I’m saying is unusual,” said Richard Murphy as he reflected on
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Fisking Martin Wolf on modern monetary theory
Martin Wolf has conceded that MMT is an economic truth in the FT this morning. The headline says: States create useful money, but abuse it
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It’s time to tax corporations where employees work, not where ledgers hide
This was published by the Tax Justice Network yesterday, and I share it as I think it important. Their research was funded by the EU
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The false narrative of Brexit Party success
There is a false narrative spreading about the European election result. It is that Britain has been swept away by the Brexit Party. This is
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