Should Corbyn keep prevaricating?

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I know all the issues with opinion polls. But people still do them. And they're not always that far out. At least, big differences tend to reveal big truths. And as Corbyn continues to prevaricate quite hopelessly on Brexit it's quite interesting to note the alternatives that two opinion polls show. The first is opinion poll data is Labour committed to being a Remain party:

Election Maps UK‏ @ElectionMapsUK

European Election Voting Intention IF Labour 'Became Pro Remain and Promised an in/out 2nd Referendum':

LAB: 36% (+12)

BXP: 30% (-2)

CON: 11% (=)

LDM: 9% (-6)

NAT: 4% (=)

CHUK: 3% (-1)

UKIP: 3% (+1)

GRN: 2% (-4)

Via @ComRes, 17 May. Changes w/ Regular poll.

11:19 AM - 21 May 2019

And then there are opinion polls assuming Labour continues as it is - a party of indecision  and prevarication:

Britain Elects‏@britainelects

Westminster voting intention:

LDem: 24% (+6)

Brex: 22% (+4)

Con: 19% (-5)

Lab: 19% (-5)

Grn: 8% (+2)

via @YouGov Chgs. w/ 17 May

2:18 PM - 30 May 2019

That's a big enough difference to notice.

How about a LibDem/SNP coalition, anyone?

Proportional representation, Remain and an Independence Referendum, here we come.

Maybe Corbyn should keep prevaricating.

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