Accountancy Age has reported that:
While the struggle around audit quality in the Big Four accounting firms continues on, EY have created a new Independent Audit Quality Committee (IAQC).
The panel was announced by EY's US partnership on Wednesday to provide an independent, outsider's view on the quality of their audits, including any operations, strategy, and culture relating to it.
Consisting of three experts, the panel was chosen from groups that EY deals with regularly who rely heavily on its audit work, like investors, corporate audit clients, and regulators.
It can now be revealed that those on the panel include Jeanette Franzel, former public company accounting oversight board member, William McNabb III, former chairman and CEO of Vanguard, and Charles Noski, former Bank of America chairman and executive vice president.
I am sure all three appointees are very worthy. And I am sure they will take their task seriously. But as an exercise in missing the point this really does take some beating.
The problem with audit is somewhat deeper than EY clearly think it is might be a reasonable conclusion from this action. They clearly believe that if only they appoint three people from amongst the great and good of finance to a committee that will meet every now and again then the systemic failings of audit will be resolved. I have to tell them that they have got this wrong.
The failings of the Big 4 firms are not so superficial. They are profound. Without writing a book on the subject I'll summarise the three main issues.
First, the Big 4 ensured that accounting standards were transformed I.e. the rules of the game of accounting were changed. Instead of accounts being designed in the broad public interest to meet all stakeholders needs the Big 4 ensured the International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation and other similar bodies narrowed the purpose of accounting. Accounts are now designed solely to meet the needs of the users of financial markets. That's it. No one else. As the IFRS Foundation says, if other users have other needs they'll have to get the data from somewhere other than the accounts. They offer no hint as to where that might be. And usefully, they add that IFRS based accounts are not a useful basis for taxation.
Second, the Big 4 ensured that auditing standards were transformed. Instead of an adult confirming that the accounts of a company showed a true and fair view they ensured that audits instead confirmed that the accounts were prepared in accordance with the rules that were prepared solely for the benefit of financial markets. So now audit was not a matter of judgement: it became a box ticking exercise. And it ceased to be in the public interest: it came to be solely in the interest of investors, and then somewhat narrowly.
As a result accounts and audit were gutted of meaning. And thirdly, the public noticed. Because banks failed in 2008, without audit warning. And other companies have done so with embarrassing regularity since. I need but mention BHS and Carillion and then add Patisserie Valerie to the menu. And the public were not happy. Most especially when they realised that what the public wanted form accounts - like data on whether the company was going bust or not, and whether it was paying its taxes properly, or not - was seemingly unavailable under the terms of the rules the Big 4 had set, which they appear to have no intention of changing.
That's the problem with audit.
And appointing three grandees from the financial services community to reinforce the status quo really will not solve it for EY.
Or anyone else.
Never was there greater need for the profession to wake up and smell the coffee. But it is deeply somnolent right now. It's not even got near the coffee, let alone smelt it.
And EY would like to pretend otherwise. But no one will be convinced.
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So how did they go about ensuring this transformation of accounting standards? I can’t help feeling, incidentally, that investors and the public are now being asked to place all their faith in coal mines which no longer have the benefit of in-place canaries. How can government be awarding contracts to companies on any sound basis?
I think the answer is watch this space…
There is a campaign to come, I hope
They are cocooned in a bubble in an ivory tower (and various other cliched metaphors).
I fear that little will change until something really bad happens (worse than Carillion, worse than Enron) and puts a bomb under them. Something that affects the public directly in a big way. That might bring systemic change. In the meantime they avoid systemic change by sacrificing the individuals that are directly involved in scandals and only when necessary.
Having read about the backgrounds of the people involved my main question is what is the point?
It’s just window dressing.
Heigh ho…..
It appears our auditors are pulling the same stunts with the same outcomes as are happening here internationally. This appears to be KPMG and Deloitte’s in action in Malaysia ” Malaysia’s securities regulator said on Saturday it was looking into the conduct of auditors of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), a state fund that was wound up after losing billions of dollars in a scandal that erupted under the country’s previous government….“The Securities Commission’s review of the conduct of auditors in relation to 1MDB audits is still on-going,” the regulator said in an emailed statement to Reuters, without identifying the firms involved. The statement was issued following a South China Morning Post report on Friday that cited sources saying that the regulator was reviewing the work carried out by international auditors KPMG and Deloitte to see if they were “were aiding and abetting in this scandal, or merely negligent.” ”
Sounds eerily familiar, doesn’t it?