Watch here at about 42 minutes. Have Richard Curtis and Comic Relief not noticed tax justice campaigns? Extraordinary.
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Much as it may come as a surprise to you Richard but the reality is that away from your own echo chamber blog site and outside of questionnaires where the question is specifically asked, most people don’t care about so-called ‘tax justice’. Quite literally no-one I have spoken to on the subject has heard of you or your campaigns.
So why are you bothering to be here?
@Jane Carter
Why do you frame your comments in such a hostile manner? I know Richard welcomes constructive &, wherever possible, fact-based criticism which would add to an objective understanding of the topics he raises.
” …. most people don’t care about so-called ‘tax justice’.” As tax justice is a major international issue (;; etc. Google it) maybe you could widen your circle of acquaintances to become more informed and even support the movement in some way to help further a fairer world.
On the nose, there John D.
Wow, Jane, that was patronising.
Martin Odoni says:
“Wow, Jane, that was patronising.”
Don’t think so, Martin. I think the word you’re looking for is rude.
Patronising has to be done from a position of superiority.
if you ask him nicely he’ll make a film with lots of hidden away footage of treasury officials in the 50s, miami kingpins in cayman in the 70s and with that voice telling us how we all stopped dreaming…. He might quite like your title “Joy of Tax”..!
…that’s Adam Curtis Im thinking of…
Funnily enough I was watching Black Adder Goes Forth before I went on holiday and it was great. In fact it seems to get better with age.
Curtis will be blind to this sort of thing because I am sure that he has a very comfortable life as a result of his work and somewhat ignorant of it all. I do not begrudge him his success or his security. Despite the awful Four Weddings and a Funeral he has made may laugh many a time.
Not only that, effective Tax Justice might mean the end of Comic Relief. I have never supported Comic Relief at all as I think it is wrong for donations from a financially hard pressed public should do the work of Government and help the rich to remain under taxed.
Curtis comes across as a bit full of himself – as though he has a got a gold star at school and has run home to tell matron.
It was always our aim to make aid redundant
There’s also this to consider:
Oh dear. What a farce.
Money is blind.
Or rather it tends to render those who have it or are in charge of it blind.
PSVR in Berlin says:
” Despite the awful Four Weddings and a Funeral ..”
Well I enjoyed it. Don’t think it was awful at all.
I was in The enjoyed it camp
It had its decidedly good moments
And it had to be viewed as ridiculous from the outset to make it work
If nothing else..(and there was much else for me) it introduced me to ‘Stop all the clocks…’.
I’m not big into poetry, but the poems that ‘say it’, say it with such force…. Like the picture worth a thousand words.
At the time I saw it, I didn’t realise that was Hugh Grant ….giving his all, and only, performance. Displaying the full range of his abilities from A to B…. (yeah, I borrowed that, from Dorothy Parker….), but it seems apposite.
I stand by my comments that FWAAF is an awful film.
It is an awful film because it feels like a British film(?) made to capture an American audience. It was good to see excellent English actors at work portraying real people and hopefully they were well paid.
Hugh Grant is just well………………..Hugh Grant. Andie McDowell – whom I first saw in the rather excellent Sex, Lies and Videotape – is hopelessly miss-cast.
And then there was the awful soundtrack.
Just my view. But un unshakable one nevertheless.
You have the right to hate it