Andy Crow suggested why neoliberal austerity might end in a comment posted on the blog overnight. He said: Businesses need customers with money to spend.
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It’s time the world’s economists woke up to reality
Martin Sandbu wrote two articles in the FT last week (very paywalled) that look at issues arising from this weekend’s referendum in Switzerland on banking reform.
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The Institute for Economic Affairs will be too high to concentrate
I am amused by the gig, drawn to my attention by Andy Crow: First, I love the fact that they’ll only be able to concentrate
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John Kay is wrong: currency is very definitely tied to nationality
It takes some ability to write what I suspect will prove to be the fatuous economics comment of the year as early as May, but
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Corbynomics, MMT and wacky ideas
Max Lawson at Oxfam has drawn my attention to a recent article in The Economist on Corbynomics. It is interesting for a number of reasons.
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Automatic information exchange from tax havens works – as tax justice campaigners always said it would
According to International Tax Adviser: HM Revenue and Customs identified a 20% jump in serious tax evasion cases in the past 12 months, according to
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Is there really another Brexit negotiation going on behind the scenes?
Prof John Weeks, with whom I have been cooperating on the Progressive Economy Forum, has published an article on Brexit on Brave New Europe. All
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Job done
In March I wrote about three tax inquiries started by parliamentary committees. They are on tax evasion and tax avoidance, the VAT tax gap and
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