Financial power?

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It's just been drawn to my attention that Accountancy Age think I am 35th on the list of people with financial power in the UK, up ten on last year:

35 (45) Richard Murphy, founder, Tax Research UK

Tax campaigner and key influencer of Corbynomics, Murphy looks set to have another vocal year as many of his key ideas - first mooted on his blog - make the transition from pure political economic philosophy to reality.

Former KPMG man Murphy is adamant that the reality of Corbynomics is not just in the detail but is in a whole new way of looking at and seeing ways of doing business. As the chartered accountant boldly posits, Corbynomics "may not be the kick back to a past era as those searching for the neoliberal norm like to claim" but "is instead the beginning of something new". It's a brave soul that will bet against that assessment.



Surely not?


After posting which it was also drawn to my attention that I am at 22 on the Economia50 list

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