In a slight twist to my planned Friday evening the BBC called me a little before eight tonight to ask if I minded being on
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EU challenges UK’s territorial taxation in new Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive
A draft of the proposed new EU anti-tax avoidance directive has been leaked on the FT website. There is much to commend in it inclduing
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Bank of England should use the £10 billion windfall to kick-start ‘jobs in every constituency’
The following press release has been issued by the Green New Deal group this morning: Bank of England should use the £10 billion windfall to
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Will Osborne’s tax changes burst the housing bubble?
One of Nigel Lawson’s great mistakes was the timing of the abolition of what was called Mortgage Interest Relief at Source for multiple owners of
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I would love to agree with Martin Wolf
Martin Wolf argues in the FT this morning that: Guarded optimism about the immediate future for the world economy is reasonable He extrapolates that the UK
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