This is my agenda for Thursday:
Why do the least well off still have the highest tax rate in the UK?
The latest data on household incomes and tax paid produced by the ONS has been neatly summarised in the Independent this morning and I am
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I’d vote No in Greece
Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Mason and Aditya Chakrabortty all make clear what the issue is in Greece. All imply where there hearts lie. They would vote
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Just suppose Greece was a state facing imminent collapse….
The whole debate about Greece is about bankers, creditors, payments, tax and budgets. It shows how warped our world is. Greece is a country facing
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Why can’t we do space any more?
A private sector space mission blew up yesterday. It was not the first: this is the third mission of significance to do so recently. What’s happening? Has
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The truth is out: companies set UK tax policy and they’re doing all they can to keep it that way
Simon Bowers of the Guardian missed a great tax conference on Friday, staged by the Tax Justice Network. He went to the Oxford Centre for Business Taxation
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Just hope that markets are irrational today
Many economists claim that markets are rational. Like the claims of many economists this one has no relationship with any evidence base at any time
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Let me say it loud and clear: the UK can never run out of money
Money is the weirdest of commodities. Everyone wants it. And it costs literally nothing to create it electronically, and something near to nothing to print
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Greece: a tragedy in the making
This has been a grim weekend for news. No one can have failed to be moved by what has happened in Tunisia and France. Elsewhere
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