Why is the government wanting you to focus on the yellow spot and not the red circle? You decide which is more important. And then
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You can’t have an effective income tax without having a corporation tax too
I posted Alex Cobham’s review of Gabriel Zucamn’s paper on corporate tax reform last week. I re-read that paper this weekend and noticed this comment:
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Another HMRC failing is their lack of willing to enforce the minimum wage
One of the tasks entrusted to HM Revenue & Customs is enforcement of the minimum wage. Unfortunately they don’t do it well. As the Guardian reports:
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There is no way on earth we can tax profits
It is an odd, and sometimes welcome part of my work that people send me papers they have written on various aspects of accounting, tax
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The November Taxcast
The November 2014 Tax Justice Network Podcast is out: ‘You can lie and you can steal from us again but this time we’ll know who
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