Jolyon Maugham, a tax barrister whose work I have given occasional mention to on this blog, is seeking to open up his blog for a
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UK government subsidies for the savings of the wealthiest are the fourth biggest part of state spending
I wrote on this blog last week about the £50 billion annual subsidy given to pensions each year. Some have argued the true figure is
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Osborne plans to increase inequality in the UK
This one’s in haste as I have early morning commitments, but I’ve just read of Osborne’s new pension and inheritance tax plans. The essence is
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Why local money?
Pension tax relief costs £50 billion a year
The cost of subsidising UK pension tax relief has reached £50 billion a year. The following table, issued earlier this year, has been re-issued by
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Borrow to Build
I liked this by John Aziz on Pieria today: The only deficit strain, at this point, exists in the speeches of austerity-mongering politicians and commentators. Borrowing
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Increasing the minimum wage by £1.50 an hour pays now
The following press release has been issued this morning by Unite, the union of which I am a member and for whom I work on
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Creating the political consensus to fight tax evasion
My suggestion that the next, and biggest, issue to be addressed to deliver tax justice in the UK is tax evasion has already appeared to
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Keep your mitts off the NHS
This is just too good not to share: That is Harry Leslie Smith at the Labour Party conference. He is a very good writer. I
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