The last Labour government enacted significant measures to make sure trusts were much less attractive for tax planning in the UK. The latest evidence on
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The 1% really do live in a very different world to the rest of us
The government has issued new statistics today on the taxable income and tax paid of people in the UK split into single percentage point bands.
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This government is increasing inequality by design
The BBC have reported this morning that: Average UK living standards have fallen “dramatically” since the recession and will not reach pre-crisis levels by the
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Country-by-country reporting is open for discussion
The OECD announced yesterday that: Discussion Draft on transfer pricing documentation and country-by-counrty reporting released for public comment 30/01/2014 – Action 13 of the BEPS Action Plan
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Why does George Osborne dislike small business so much?
I’ve published a blog this morning on George Osborne’s £10 billion giveaway a year to big business. That’s based on the amount of tax that
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George Osborne’s £10 billion a year tax giveaway to big companies
Two illustrations of the fact that tax competition does not work have come to my attention this week. The first arose in evidence given by
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You can’t deny to Scotland what is being held out as a tax promise to Northern Ireland
The Guardian has reported that: The battle over the Scottish government’s plans for Scotland to share the pound after independence intensified sharply on Wednesday after the governor
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Tax haven UK attracts Fiat’s new filing cabinet head office
Reuters has reported that: Fiat said on Wednesday it would register the holding of its newly created Fiat Chrysler Automobiles group in the Netherlands and
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Cayman’s economic model is bankrupt – and people in Cayman are saying so
If one believed all the PR that comes out of tax havens all is sweetness and light in these places and the land is flowing
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