This government is increasing inequality by design

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The BBC have reported this morning that:

Average UK living standards have fallen "dramatically" since the recession and will not reach pre-crisis levels by the next election, economists have said.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) calculated that a mid-range household's income between 2013 and 2014 was 6% below its pre-crisis peak.

This was felt equally across high and low income groups when the cost of living was taken into account.

But those on low incomes could feel the squeeze more in the coming years.

This was the result of further cuts to benefits and tax credits, the IFS said.

Apologies for the lengthy quote: they appeared to capture the nub of the argument very well on this occasion. But let's interpret it.

First, growth is not going to restore fortunes for some time to come. That must mean the benefits are remarkably skewed towards a very few. That's not chance: this recovery was designed for the few. That is why the reward is going almost entirely to a few in the south-east.

Second, as a result of policy the worst off are, according to the IFS, even more badly off now.  Again, that's by design.

The fact is that despite the fact that inequality is seen as one of the biggest threats to recovery this government is increasing it be design, and applauding itself for doing so. And because my concern is for those who are least well off that is why I oppose what they are doing.



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