As the FT has reported this afternoon:
Spain will be stuck with an unemployment rate above 25 per cent for at least five more years, according to a forecast by the International Monetary Fund.
The Fund confirms that Spain is on track to emerge from recession this year, but warns that the 6m unemployed are unlikely to see any benefit from a return to growth.
That's what neoliberal austerity economics was designed to do: recovery for the better off, and misery for the rest.
Please don't think it's chance.
The assumption (all of neoliberal economics is assumptions) is that the 'rest' will accept their fate - having been persuaded by an aggressive media that this is all they deserve.
I do wonder whether they will.
And I worry about that too.
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I’m still of the opinion that the main objective of the political elite is population reduction .
This is one of the reasons I’m suspicious about the AGW hypothesis – it’s just too convenient for the powers that be on so many fronts and quite a stretch on the plausibility front if the published figures for the proportion of CO2 emissions attributable to man are correct .
Now we are being conditioned to think :-
– water will become scarcer in future .
– that food is going to be in short supply so our protein source of mammal flesh will have to be replaced by insects .
These look like manufactured fake crisis to me . In the words though not the message written on the front of a Supertramp Album “Crisis , what crisis ?”
The tragedy I see is that people desperately want to believe that these bogeymen are real and will get inadvertently drawn in to doing the political elites dirty work for them – including I believe population reduction .
Why do you think they want population reduction?
Thanks to mechanisation and computerisation and other efficiency measures only a fraction of the population is actually needed to perform essential tasks .
Jobs in creative , tech and scientific industries can only be done by a small proportion of the population with those abilities .
Under-utilisation of the majority is therefore structural – many of us are surplus to requirements .
Youth unemployment in Spain is over 50% and the figure I heard for Greece is a staggering 78% . Something has got to give .
The IMF implies that things might get better in 5 years time but this sounds more like kicking the can into the distance than genuine optimism .
I applaud the French for having the courage to try to share the work around even if they couldn’t get them implementation quite right .
The elite have no empathy with us because they do not associate with us so it’s reasonable to assume we have become de-humanised in their eyes . They are much more interested in saving wolves or the planet than people who they view as a threat to these more noble causes .
I think the elites have already chosen population reduction because it is easier than any of the other alternatives .
All the questionable crisis and talk of overpopulation and shortages look like a ploy to get public support for euthanasia and maybe even eugenics and a 1 child policy .
What do you think Fiona ?
The political elite are the ones who have the larger families. So if they starve the poor, eventually there will only be people like them. Then they will turn on each other, at last. Unfortunately most of us will not be around to see it.