As the FT has reported this afternoon: Spain will be stuck with an unemployment rate above 25 per cent for at least five more years,
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Taxing multinationals: Lords sets out the case for unitary taxation and then dismisses it in favour of Devereux’s unworkable scheme
As Andrew Goodall, a long time supporter of tax justice has noted on his blog: Taxing multinationals: Lords committee sets out the case for unitary
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Space Havens – spinning overhead soon?
A few years ago I wrote an April Fool’s spoof suggesting that a tax haven had been established in space. Now I note on Martin
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The FT argues that Wonga should be free to exploit – because neoliberalism says it isn’t
Jonathan Ford has written a typical neoliberal article on the subject of Wonga in the FT. In it he argues: The payday loan market has
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From Vodafone to HMRC is just one small step
As Computing has reported: Mark Dearnley, CIO at Vodafone, is to become HM Revenue & Customs’ (HMRC) new chief digital and information officer. So Vodafone, who
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The US Senate now has its own version of the UK Transparency Bill
Senators Carl Levin and Chuck Grassley have tabled a Bill in the US Senate that is the equivalent of the UK Corporate and Individual Tax and Financial Transparency
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The race is on, but the field is limited in the auditing business
Prof Prem Sikka wrote the following article on The Conversation web site. I reproduce it, with permission: Isn’t it interesting how governments go through the rituals of promoting competition, but little
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