Economia magazine, the official journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, has published the following debate this afternoon under the above title, between me
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Not only do the lowest paid pay most tax – they also suffer the highest marginal tax rates, and all economists believe in shirking
I have already noted one inconvenient truth that the government has tried to hide on income distribution this morning. Polly Toynbee has addressed another in the Guardian and that
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The ONS income data hides an inconvenient truth – that the rich are getting much richer
The Office for National Statistics has been claiming that their recent work on household incomes shows that: There was a fall in income inequality between
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The myth of globally competitive markets has to be challenged
I was pleased to see this in the FT this morning: A bipartisan group of senators has taken aim at the largest US banks, introducing
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A tax plan for the US from its almost sole independent voice is pretty close to what we need in the UK too
I was intrigued by this, from the web site of the US’s only independent Senator – Bernie Sanders from Vermont. He has said: WASHINGTON, July 10 —
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In conversation with Robert Reich: After Austerity
This video is of a meeting at the TUC on 21 May featuring US economist Robert Reich and an interview with him by Faisal Islam. Robert
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