For those wondering what they’d wish for in the budget might I recommend Chapter 8 of ‘Over here and under-taxed’ which offers a whole raft
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It’s not Balls who is the liability – it’s Osborne who voters can’t stand
One of the most unusual moments during the Olympics was when the main stadium seemed, as a person, to boo George Osborne when he took
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That Tory revolution and the rise of neofeudalism
I wrote two blogs yesterday on what I called the Tory revolution – the plan to sell off as much of the government as possible
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The Tory revolution is aimed at creating a managed, corporately controlled, and deeply unequal ‘democracy’
I wrote about the ‘Tory revolution’ this morning. That’s the process I described in The Courageous State where this government (and to some extent the New Labour
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Not giving enough to a government owned agency to enable it to do its job is not a measure of market failure: it’s a measure of under-resourcing.
Economia magazine has reported: The government’s Insolvency Service is on the verge of becoming insolvent, according to reports The group needed an emergency injection of
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The pinstripe mafia that’s threatening to steal countries’ tax revenues is made up of lawyers, bankers and accountants
The OECD is acknowledging that aggressive tax planning (ATP) is more extensive and damaging than they have previously admitted. Take this by the OECD, issued yesterday, acknowledging
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We’re selling the Uk to Qatar
The FT’s noted this morning: Qatar has begun talks with the UK government to invest up to £10bn from the gas-rich Middle Eastern state into
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Large parts of the government are to be moved into the private sector to raise revenue
This comes from the Guardian this morning: The feverish atmosphere [in the Conservative Party] is highlighted in today’s Spectator whose political editor, James Forsyth, reports that
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A worried man
I look at this picture and the images on television last night and all I see is a worried man: As well he might
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