I had an article on Comment is Free this afternoon, talking about the fuss made about the BBC paying contract staff without iperating PAYE. For the record,
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Has the era of local authority bonds returned? If so – good news
Public Finance reported this week: A group of councils are considering the first major local government bond issue since the 1980s as part of proposals
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The Times realises tax avoidance costs vastly more than HMRC says it does. Why do ministers deny it?
The Times has said today: H M Revenue & Customs believes that personal tax avoidance costs the economy $4.5 billion a year. The exposure of the Liberty tax scheme suggests this
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Jersey: an oddity of the system
From the Times editorial today: It is an oddity of the system that Jersey, a Crown Dependency, not only serves as a tax haven but provides
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It’s a very small minded minister who blames a civil service for their political mistake
Mark Serwotka got it spot on when speaking to the Guardian yesterday, who report: Blaming civil servants for the west coast rail fiasco is “deplorable”
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Why does the government tolerate tax avoiders in its ranks?
Parliament’s Public Affairs Committee (easily the most effective committee ion the House of Commons right now) has a new report out this morning on Off-payroll arrangements in the
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