Newcastle FC have taken sponsorship from Wonga – the loan shark company that charges intrest at more than 4,000%. I’ve sent this email to Newcastle tonight:
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What really depressed me about Cameron’s speech
One thing really depressed me more than anythiong about Cameron’s speech. It was this: Because the truth is this. We are in a global race
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Why can’t HMRC have binding arbitration agreements with other public bodies to save time and money?
I enjoyed my visit to RSM Tenon this morning. We had a good debate. Discussion was lively. Not everyone agreed with me – of course.
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Tax planning in the public sector is an ethical non-starter: my speech this morning
I may be a little quitre on the blogging front this morning as I am driving to Northampton to take patyt in a debate at
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The US shell corporation – the perfect vehicle for corruption
As Thomson Reuters have reported today: As the District Attorney of New York County, my office, time and time again, finds its criminal investigations thwarted
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A few open questions for Jersey
I gather that the higher echelons of power were pleased by my commentary on their press release on FTACA yesterday – which by some oversight they forgot
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