It’s quite weird when you find yourself in Comment is Free and you don’t even know they’ve lifted the article from this blog. But that
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Sometimes you just need your spirit lifted
Christian Aid on Labour and tax havens
My friends at Christian Aid issued this press release today: Christian Aid welcomes Ed Miliband’s determination to tackle the tax havens which are harming UK
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Labour’s Business turns out to be the Tory’s Business after all
I wrote a brief review of the dismal report ‘Labour’s Business’ published in November 2011 here. I concluded it sat “uncomfortably with my view of Labour”. Now I
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Poor old Jersey as it fails to exploit the punters
The Jersey Evening Post has reported: JERSEY’S attempt to cash in on the multi-million-pound internet gaming industry has so far failed to bring in a
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How Labour has to tackle cuts
I seem to be caught between the devil and the deep blue amongst Labour supporters this weekend. On Saturday I wrote a blog in which I explained what I thought
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Tax haven UK is attracting business
The FT reports this morning: Aon is to become the first ever US S&P 500 company to become domiciled in the UK after the insurance broker
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What Labour has said on tax havens
The following is a blog post by Shadow Labour minister Owen Smith MP on tax havens, published yesterday. I reproduce it as it seems to be the
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Isle of Man ‘not worried about Labour threat’
It’s reported in the Isle of Man this morning that: The chief minister has dismissed demands from Labour leader Ed Miliband for talks with the
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