The EU has approved Jersey’s zero – ten tax regime. This is not, of course, the regime I said would fail: they had to amend it time
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Simon Jenkins on tax justice
A decade ago an article like this would not have happened. It does now. Don’t say changing moods is not possible. This is Simon Jenkins
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On secrecy and its dangers
This is extraordinary: The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed
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One for your new year diary
SOCIAL DEMOCRACY AND EUROPE’S CRISIS Thursday 16 February 2012, 6p.m. Room B33, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX The financial crisis, the subsequent economic crisis and
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Time for corporation tax returns to go on line
There’s a fascinating editorial in the FT today. It says: The need for austerity has forced the government to increase the burden on British taxpayers.
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Supply side reforms just don’t work when it comes to creating jobs
As my TUC colleague Nicola Smith has noted on the Touchstone blog: New data on the operation of the Government’s National Insurance Holiday Scheme has
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Sky, yesterday
I’ve just discovered my broadcast on Sky yesterday morning is available on the web, here. Live from my Downham Market studio! Good job the camera didn’t sweep
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The way to solve the crisis at HMRC
This is from the Channel 4 web site, and yes, I am the Mr Murphy in question: Following the outcry over the PAC’s report, Mr
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Want to demand change to the management at HMRC? You can do so here
38 Degrees is running a campaign to demand better accountability at HMRC. You can sign up here. The demand is for better independent directors of
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