What began in the financial district of New York City in mid September under the name Occupy Wall Street has become a movement that is spreading across the globe. But what do they want and how do they intend to achieve their goals? Are their aims realistic? Can they have any impact?
Join us at the Frontline Club tomorrow 2 November at 7pom to debate the aims and objectives of the Occupy movement and to discuss whether it can bring about any change.
The tent cities springing up across the US, the UK, Australia and elsewhere have been compared to the scenes we saw earlier this year in Tahrir Square but is there a common bond?
Harry Cole, a political journalist and media commentator. He set up Tory Bear in 2008 whilst studying at Edinburgh University. He is now News Editor of Order-Order.com and writes for The Daily Beast and Total Politics and The Commentator. Twitter: @MrHarryCole
Naomi Colvin, supporter of OccupyLSX. She set up UK Friends of Bradley Manning, the UK support group for the accused Wikileaks whistleblower. Twitter: @auerfeld
Richard Murphy, a chartered accountant and economist. He is the author of The Courageous State: Rethinking Economics, Society and the Role of Government. Twitter: @RichardJMurphy
Aaron Peters, a PhD candidate at Royal Holloway, University of London. He is co-editor of Fight Back!, host of Resonance FM's'Novara' and student activist. He is also on the National Committee of NCAFC, one of the organisations behind last years students walkouts and street actions. Twitter: @aaronjohnpeters
Additional panelists to be confirmed.
Our First Wednesday events bring together experts and commentators and mix their views with contributions from our audience.
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The BBC does not fail to report the protests as being ‘anti-capitalist’. Where’s their evidence?
It is clearly editorial line – and wrong